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A neat little "survivors" game, the setting for the story is funny and there is what can be expected from this kind of games, a few enemies, some upgrades and a lot of shooting, good for a few minutes of fun.

The art style is pretty cute I would say that's the highlight of the game, this is a gamejam game and I see this is your first game so I'll say good job!

Some things you may want to take into consideration is maybe adding more frames to the main character movement, and maybe make it a little bit faster, 2 frame animations are OK for enemies but the MC needs a little more.

Also the inclusion of a tutorial and a pause menu are much needed for every game regardless of scope; I also could not reach an ending, after 10 minutes a bunch of knights spawn, I killed them all and then nothing happened, kinda disappointing.

Also some balancing ideas like more upgrades, faster character movement and most of all that the bullets prioritize closer enemies are basics of this type of game.

Overall not bad for a first game and great use of the Godot endine, it was fun and it has a solid concept.

Keep up the good work!

